Tuesday, 22 March 2011

DOWNLOAD C-PEEL THEME FROM CYDIA (our way of saying thanks)

We have uploaded our repo in cydia for all c-peel users to download..
This is our way of saying THANK YOU for being our customers..
Buyers who get their iPod touch jailbroken by us will be entitled to lots more free themes..
Those who wish their C-Peel to be customized by us, or you already have a theme in mind, eg. wedding photos, photos of pets etc as a keypad or sms themes, can do so at $10 for 2 CUSTOM themes.. for further details, call us at :+65-90701201

our cydia repo source: http://cydia.myrepospace.com/itouch-phone/

add the repo to your source, and download our themes..After downloading, go to Winterboard and select CPeel1..



WeeLing said...
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Anna said...

Hi my c peel T188 iPod phone after jb everything
Is ok only problem is can received SMS but
Certain friends of mine cannot receive my SMS.
please guide what is the problem with device.
